Detox menu

Jump-start your healthy eating habits with our Detox Menu. In Angie’s Kitchen detox doesn’t mean you have to starve or challenge your stomach’s health. Dr. Kassabie knows what’s best for your body and carefully plans your cleansing diet.

Our Detox Menu is prepared with tasty and natural products that will cleanse your liver and digestive system. Combined with detox drinks it will eliminate bad bacteria and parasites. It also contains natural probiotics that will replenish your gut flora with good bacteria.

Daily price: 63 лв  

From: 32,22

SKU: N/A Category:


Jump-start your healthy eating habits with our Detox Menu. In Angie’s Kitchen detox doesn’t mean you have to starve or challenge your stomach’s health. Dr. Kassabie knows what’s best for your body and carefully plans your cleansing diet.

Our Detox Menu is prepared with tasty and natural products that will cleanse your liver and digestive system. Combined with detox drinks it will eliminate bad bacteria and parasites. It also contains natural probiotics that will replenish your gut flora with good bacteria.

Start now!

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Weight 0,2 kg


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